Recapping 2022 - Accomplishments and Goals

It’s the last day of 2022 and I had a big year! Lots going on in my life, and lots still to come. I wanted to give a quick recap to the end of the year, and look forward to the next year!

2022 Accomplishments

  • One blog post a month!

    Once this post goes live, I will have written a post a month for all of 2022! That’s incredible, and it really helped push people to my website! I want to continue this into 2023, and (hopefully) make even more than just 1 a month!

  • Grew my website traffic 558%! To 3,500 visits:

    I hit a peak of 725 visits in one month, and averaged 9.6 visits per day! In 2021, I had a total of 527 visits, for an average of 1.45 visits per day.

  • Established a Single-member LLC, Space Pigs

    I’ve always wanted to start up my own company and release my own products, the first step is down, the LLC is created, and lots of the base paperwork and bank accounts have been made! It’s been a lot to learn about how the business side of everything works, and I have a LOT more to learn.

  • Gained 3 Patreon members!

    Last year my goal was to get 1 Patreon member, and I ended up with 3! (Granted two of them are my family members and one of them is my friend). I want to continue to develop content and gain more! Hopefully next year gain one Patreon member that is a stranger.

  • Released Howloween Hero Major Content Update and Switch Release with Gossamer Games

    We worked so hard to double, or even maybe triple the content of Howloween Hero, and bring the game to Nintendo Switch. It was a ton of work implementing the new features, optimizing what we already had, and getting platform specific functionality figured out. The reception to the new content was quite positive and it was super exciting to have released a game on Nintendo Switch.

  • Went on an eight mile hike

    Not a huge number, but probably my longest hike to this point, we did LOTS of bird watching and were able to check off many birds in our compendium

  • Participated in Global Game Jam with Pistols At Dawn

    Had lots of fun and used Construct 3, which I never used before!

  • Planned most of the wedding

    1. Got Suit

    2. Sent out Save The Dates

    3. Flower consultation

    4. Picked Dinner Entrés

    5. Went to the detail meeting

    6. Got Bridal Shower Registry

    7. Basically finished the website

    8. Put Honeyfund together

  • First Game Contracting Job, for Project Agartha

    This was also the first published game I ever worked on! I did 10hr/wk for the first 9 months and then dropped down to < 5hr/wk.

  • Made lots of new food

    1. Pesto Pasta

    2. Squash Pasta

    3. Chocolate Cake

  • Beat Pokemon Yellow

    I had never beaten this game, and it always bugged me so much!


  1. Continue to write one blog post a month

    Ideally I write more than this, but this is a good base to make sure that I continue to keep up with it and motivated

  2. Have a fantastic Wedding and Honeymoon

    Our wedding is May 27th and our honeymoon plan is to go to Japan and we are super excited!

  3. Release two apps as part of Space Pigs!

    Kelly and I have been working on an app that we plan to release next year, but also, we want to release a smaller-scale test app to work out all the kinks in our process and figure out how everything works before releasing something on a larger scale.

  4. Exercise/Stretch 5 times a week for at least 10 minutes a day

  5. Learn N5 level Japanese

    I most likely will not be able to take the formal test this year, but learning through books enough that I think I would be able to pass, or could pass some practice tests and feel confident enough to take the formal test at some point!

  6. Make at least 2 YouTube videos!

    This was a goal from last year that I didn’t work on at all! Not in 2023! I want to up it to two and actually follow through with it!

  7. Work on a personal project at least once a week!

  8. Stop biting my nails

  9. Have fun and relax

  10. Beat 6 Videogames

  11. Read 3 books

  12. Bake Bagels

  13. Get one patreon member that I don’t know in real life


I have a good amount of goals, and I would like to be able to focus on things I care about and really work on actually accomplishing as many as I can! Ideally I do all of them! I’m going to work really hard in the new year to continue to improve myself, and my projects I work on and put out!

Thanks so much for being here with me on my journey, I hope that you get something out of these posts and learn something! I know I love referencing my old posts when doing work personally :p

Happy New Year!