Creating Ambient Birds in Unreal with Niagara and Vertex Animations Continued (Advanced)

The massively anticipated revisit to the birds in Niagara. This time, I take more care to explain the whole process, as well as provide the means of creating some basic movement, as well as an animation handler to handle all of the animation states our bird will get into.

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LODs in Unreal Engine (Level of Detail) (UE4)

Unreal has great native LOD tools to automatically generate LODs for Static Meshes and Skeletal Meshes. There are also great tools for Particle Systems. Niagara Systems also can use scalability settings to fit different platforms. Here I cover the basics of all of these different LOD systems.

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How to Create Unity Libraries For Use Across Your Projects

I often repeat code, and when I create packages, I make multiple versions, and struggle copying over what I need and keeping the files up-to-date. Luckily, this can be achieved by having a single version of your modular code that lives on github, whenever you want to update the package, you can make changes, push them up to git, and all your projects will get the new updates. No more copying your files and code snippets from file to file! This is super useful to me as I often work on 4 or 5 projects at a time.

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